Doing the opposite of what most people in society do will lead you to higher levels of peace and prosperity.
For example, studies show Americans watch an average of 5 hours of television a day. No judgement here at all, just making an observation based on facts. If these people who watch so much television replaced that time with other more productive activities, they’d get further ahead with their initiatives.
I’m all for relaxation and a balanced schedule – I love watching Netflix for downtime and/or as a reward. What I’m referring to here is people who complain that they never have time for certain things. “Not having time” is both an illusion and a self-fulfilling prophecy. You always make time for that which you value.
“I don’t have time” is not an indicator that you need more hours in the day. It’s an indicator that you need to realign your values and priorities with your behavior. If you truly valued something, you would make time for it.
Jeff Davis is the author of Reach Your Mountaintop: 10 Keys to Finding the Hidden Opportunity in Your Setbacks, Flipping What You’ve Heard on Its Head, and Achieving Legendary Goals.
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