HR Acuity found in their research that workplace harassment and misconduct affect 52% of employees. That’s more than half of all employees, globally. This is an unthinkable number. More than half of those affected by bullying have had more serious challenges related to being bullied. Workplace bullying is a global challenge, and me and my … Read More!
To Reprogram Yourself You Need to Change Your Beliefs
The CTO Who Had No Empathy I once spoke with a colleague about his experience working with a jerk CTO (Chief Technology Officer). This jerk CTO was not emotionally intelligent and had no empathy. A bad boss who lacks empathy can ruin a company and people’s lives. This colleague worked at the same company of … Read More!
How to Deal With a Rude Business Owner
It’s one thing if your usual colleague disrespects you. But when you’re dealing with a rude business owner (or someone who is high up in the company, like a CEO or executive), it’s a whole different ballgame. You may feel like standing up to the business owner will put your job in jeopardy. But if … Read More!
Controversial Influencer Ben Shapiro: Why I Listen to Him
Most of what Ben Shapiro says, I completely disagree with. He says things that fundamentally contradict what I believe in. Yet, I like him. I watch his videos all the time. Beware of the Confirmation Bias Loop A lot of people delete people who they disagree with. This will leave you in a “confirmation bias” … Read More!
The Biggest Mistake Most CEOs and Leaders Make
The biggest mistake most CEOs and leaders make is thinking they are above others and therefore verbally putting others down, in both direct and indirect ways. Verbal put downs in an office can literally destroy a company’s culture, morale, and well-being. I’ll start by sharing an example from my own work experience, and then I’ll … Read More!